Sewing Machine Services, based out of Mississauga, Ontario, is Canada's largest wholesale distributor of the highest quality sewing machine parts and notions. It is our mission to bring you quality items at affordable prices.

We are closed to the public for in-store retail shopping at this time.
For retail customers looking to purchase items seen on our website please use our Dealer Locator Tool to find a store near you where you can buy our products.

Repairs are available with no appointment necessary, please bring your machine to the back of the building, enter at unit #8 for the service department.

For our wholesale customers, orders are being shipped on a daily basis.
Click Below To View Our Product Catalogues:
BeltsBlades & Knives
Bobbin Case PartsBobbin Cases
Bobbin Winder TiresBobbin Winders
BobbinsBooks & Manuals
Buttonholer & Side Cutter AttachmentsComplete Tensions
Feather Weight PartsFeed Dog
FeetFoot Control & Parts
Gauges & Edge GuidesGears
HandwheelsHook Parts
HooksLead Cords & Wires
Lights, Floor Lamps & BulbsLoopers
Miscellaneous 1Miscellaneous Parts
Motor Brushes & PartsMotors
Needle ClampsNeedle Plate Parts
Needle PlatesNeedle Threaders & Parts
Oils & LubricantsOver Lock Feet
PC BoardsPresser Bar Lifters
PulleysReverse Buttons & Knobs & Dials
RufflerScrews & Washers
Spool PinsSprings
Take UpsTension Parts
Thread Guides
Organ Bulk NeedlesOrgan Carded Needles
Schmetz Magazine and BulkSchmetz Needles
Singer Bulk NeedlesSinger Carded Needles
Prym Dritz Notions
Dritz Bulk NotionsDritz Safety Pins
Fons & Porter NotionsOmnigrid Rulers
Omnigrid Tools and MatsPrym Babyville
Prym DritzPrym Europe
Prym Love NotionsPrym Vario Accessories & Tools
Prym Vario Refill Kits
General Notions
Bags & Portable CasesBaskets
Clover NotionsCutting Tools
Demo ClothExtension Tables
Fabric StabilizersGifts
Grabbit BrandJonny Seww
Notions - General OLFA Cutting Tools
SpraysWestalee Accessories
Westalee Quilting Templates
A1 Scissor Sharpening Tools & AccessoriesScissors - Alphasew
Scissors - FiskarsScissors - Gingher
Scissors - HenckelsScissors - Kai
Scissors - MundialScissors - Premax
Scissors - SingerScissors - Wiss
Tweezers & Scissors
Fil-Tec Bobbins
Clear Glide
Fil-Tec Bobbins
Clear Quilt
Mettler Metrosene 1000M Sewing ThreadMettler Metrosene 100M Sewing Thread
Mettler Metrosene 274M Sewing ThreadMettler Metrosene 500M Sewing Thread
Mettler Poly Sheen 200M ThreadMettler Poly Sheen 800M Thread
Mettler Poly Sheen Multi 200M ThreadMettler Seracycle 200M Recycled Sewing Thread
Mettler Seraflex 130M Elastic ThreadMettler Silk Finish Cotton 150M
Mettler Silk Finish Cotton 500M ThreadMettler Silk Finish Multi 100M Thread
Thread - Filio Serger ThreadThread - Robison Anton
Thread - YLIThread Accessories
Industrial BeltsIndustrial Bobbin Cases
Industrial Bobbin WindersIndustrial Bobbins
Industrial Feed DogsIndustrial Feet
Industrial HooksIndustrial Knives & Blade
Industrial LoopersIndustrial Needle Bars
Industrial Needle ClampsIndustrial Needle Plates
Industrial NeedlesIndustrial Parts
Industrial Spool PinsIndustrial Tensions
Industrial Thread Guides

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SMS Canada - 2021